Google Assistant records everything you talk, Here is how you can delete your Voice History

HIGHLIGHTS: Perhaps you will be unaware that the voice command you give to Google Assistant is recorded and saved by Google.

You will also be using voice or Google Assistant for Google search on your smartphone, laptop, etc. But perhaps you will be unaware that the voice command you give to Google Assistant is recorded by Google and it is saved on Google's server. 

Although this recording is done for better user experience, but if you think that voice recording can be misused right now, then you can delete it too. Let's know how it can be deleted.

How to delete Google Voice Search Recording

  • Once you log in here, then click on "Filter By Date and Product", then select "Voice and Audio", then click on Apply button.
  • Now here you will see a list of voice search, which till now you have searched Google through voice.
  • If you want, you can listen to it or delete it one by one.
  • Apart from this, in the side menu you will find "Delete Activity By" button, click on it.
  • Here you can select the activities that you want to delete according to the time.

In this way, you will be able to listen to and delete those voice recordings that were recorded during Google Assistant or Voice Search.

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